A note in Quiver is comprised of cells, snippets of text, code, Markdown, LaTeX (via MathJax) or diagrams (sequence diagram, flowchart).
This means I can have a long document that looks perfect in Typora, but renders everything on a single line when parsed to HTML. It lets you easily mix text, code, Markdown and LaTeX within one note, edit code with an awesome code editor, live preview Markdown and LaTeX, and find any note instantly via the full-text search. For instance, there is no indication of whether or not a line has a hard line break at the end (double-space in Markdown), which I find problematic, since it's a very easy thing to forget. There are also some limitations with regards to the inline preview. The preview is not automatically refreshed by default but you can click the 3-dotted menu at the bottom right-hand side of the preview area and enable Automatically reload from there to have the preview refresh automatically each time you make modifications to the source. It would be nice to be able to configure basic things like display font and size without tweaking the CSS, since I like my fonts zoomed to different levels depending on the resolution of the screen I'm using at the time. This Markdown preview allows zooming in or out, searching, and opening links and images. There are virtually no configuration options - you have several built-in themes, which you can of course tweak (or add your own) by modifying the CSS directly. Markdown support including tables, code fences with syntax highlight, LaTeX, table of contents Cross-platform The real-time preview and WYSIWYG features Beautiful interface and custom CSS theme support Easy export Supported Operation Systems macOS 10.13. Documentation Epic Use CI/CD variables in include statements in. The preview refreshes as you type, so you can be confident that your markup is valid and will render as you intended.

It definitely feels like a work in progress. Right-click the editor and select Preview Markdown or use Command/Control + Shift + P to toggle a split-screen live preview of your Markdown content. The only other app I'm aware of that does this is FoldingText, so I'm very happy to see this.
Inline preview Markdown like this is my favorite style. If you write in BBEdit (I do), using Markdown (I do), you may be interested by an update in a recent BBEdit public beta, which dramatically improves Markdown preview.